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Arts and Culture


Elie Posner / Emoglyphs

The New York Times covers Israel Museum exhibition

How do we get to the front page of one of the world’s most prestigious newspapers?

Clients often ask, “Can you get us on NY Times?” Our answer is yes, but it’s a journey. Case in point – the Israel Museum Jerusalem. Rather than pitching each of the Museum’s new exhibitions and overwhelming the paper’s editors, we waited for the right one to come along. And it did: “Emoglyphs” was a small and elegant exhibition, and we knew it was a good fit. We identified the suitable angle and refined the pitch, resulting in an Arts section front page story in January 2020.

NPR Radio (U.S.) reports about the Film Incitement

 Radio is a powerful – and highly trusted – medium. For the psychological thriller Incitement, directed by Yaron Zilberman, it was also conducive to garnering substantial international interest. The film examines the events leading up to the assassination of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, from the assassin’s perspective. We organized a special screening for the international media, followed by a discussion with co-screenwriter Ron Leshem. Incitement was subsequently featured in major film festivals worldwide.

ימים נוראים

Gadi Dagon, Badenheim 1939

CNN features Cameri theater's play Badenheim 1939

Aaron Applefeld, a Holocaust survivor and award-winning author, wrote an allegorical novel about a fictional resort town in Austria in 1939, whose primarily Jewish vacationers sense the signs of the impending crisis but choose to ignore them, until it is too late. The play based on the novel was staged by the Cameri Theater, with an original music score by renowned composer and conductor, Gil Shohat, who conducted the Israel chamber Orchestra on stage.

Our pitch, which highlighted the story relevance to the contemporary Iranian threat, generated much interest in the foreign media, leading to a resonating feature on CNN.

Israel Museum exhibition on the Paris Match magazine

The Israel Museum Jerusalem’s exhibition “Fateful Choices: Art from the Gurlitt Trove” was based on artwork retrieved following the accidental discovery of 1,590 cultural treasures looted by the Nazi regime. Our efforts to raise awareness of the challenging topic and exhibition among members of the international press led to, among dozens of publications, an eight-page story on Paris Match. The magazine sent a reporter to Jerusalem to cover the exhibition.


The Jewish Chronicle, UK, runs a story about a delectable social business in Tel Aviv

Pitching the client story to the appropriate media channels is of paramount importance. In the case of the kosher bistro in Tel Aviv, Liliyot, whose business model included training at-risk youth for a meaningful lifelong career, specific Jewish media was the focus. The British Jewish Chronical, is one of the most prestigious Jewish newspapers in the world and is read by one of the largest Jewish communities.

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